This is a drawing I made while I was at the Piet Zwart Institute in 2010. At the Piet Zwart Institute we spent a lot of time discussing art in the context of critical theory, chatting about Agamben, Ranciere, Jean-Luc Nancy and the like, which could be fun, but to me, was often quite boring. So, one day, I just wanted to make some art that was simply very straight forward, non-theoretical etc.. I gathered my drawing pad, took my pencils and went to the Zoo to make some real life drawings of monkeys. It was a wonderful day. The sun was out, and the monkey quarters of the zoo were smelling nicely of rotten bananas and monkey pee. I think even the monkeys had fun. It must have been awhile since someone drew their portrait. When I showed my days work to the other students at the Institute I don’t think they really liked it. Or perhaps they just didn’t understand. They weren’t monkeys of course.